1. Unicorn Snot Glitter Gel for Face, Body and Hair, 45ml Pink (Vegan & Cruelty-Free)
So, if you know me well enough, you've heard me mention this magical product! What is Unicorn Snot you ask? Well, when a unicorn sneezes, what is to happen? Glitter comes out..and voila! Unicorn Snot is a cruelty free and vegan glitter gel for your hair, face and body. I am honestly obsessed with this stuff. I use it as a sparkly highlighter on my face, rub it on my arms for a slight shimmer, and I put it in my hair sometimes too, when I go out. It is sold on their official website and on Amazon, which I linked above for $12.99, but places such as Hot Topic and Tilly's have it for as low as $9.99.
2. What Do You Meme? Adult Party Game
By now, you've probably heard about the game, Cards Against Humanity (AKA the adult version of Apples To Apples). If you're looking for another fun game to try, look no further. Each player has seven cards with captions on them and you pull a picture (meme) card from the deck and have a rotating judge choose which is the funniest combination. I played this at a friend's house a few weeks ago and we had a blast.
3. Grammar Grumble Mugs Set Approximately $10-$13 each
Have a friend who is a writer or a grammar snob? How great are these mugs? You can get all six for about $60, or as individual mugs, for $13 a piece.
4. [LABIOTTE] Wine Lip Tint PK01 (Blush Pink) 7g
This lip tint became super popular last winter. Packaged to resemble a wine bottle, this product comes in six shades and is a great lip moisturizer. It has actual wine extract in it and comes with a smudge tip applicator, inside the cap, to help blend.
5. Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask
This mask helps with pores and blackheads. It bubbles up on your face, and is trendy right now because of how much fun is had while waiting to take the mask off.
6. Constellation Mug On sale for $7.99
This is one of those heat activated mugs, where once a warm beverage is inside, more detail emerges. In this case, eleven constellations.
7. Snarky Tea $12.99
I saw this on Shark Tank and this would make a great gift. High quality tea and fun packaging...I can think of a lot of people on my holiday list that would love this. Just reading the descriptions of these teas, is enticing to me!
I can't believe it is almost December. What are you most looking forward to before 2017 comes to a close? What is your favorite item off this gift guide?
As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com
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Until next time,