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Monday, July 17, 2017

I Don't Know About You, But I Am Feeling 22!

Happy Monday!

Last week, on 7-11 to be exact, I turned 22 years old. I thought I'd share with you some highlights of my birthday week!

I had a birthday dinner with some close friends and made these old Hollywood vases for the party. I think they turned out quite cute!

I was obsessed with my party dress which I got from Free People.

I always love coming up with a cool cake! The unicorn cake had three different flavored layers!

I also had chakra cookies made, which turned out pretty cool! 

Then next day, my friend Josh threw me a pool party!

And on my actual birthday, (yes, I did get my free Slurpee) I was taken out to dinner by my dad.

So far, 22 is feeling pretty good! My birthday month continues...I am going to Las Vegas on Thursday! Stay tuned for a 2017 Summer Bucket List post!

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com 

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Until next time,



  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Happy Birthday!

  2. What an epic party! Loved those cookies, and your vases! Gorgeous!!

  3. Cute vases! You always have such clever the chakra cookies

  4. Your birthday celebration looks like quite the fun time for you and your friends. Here is to many more birthdays!

  5. Sounds and looks fab, keep enjoying!

  6. What an awesome birthday party! Belated blessed birthday to you!

  7. Happy birthday to you! Looks like you had a lot of fun celebrating! I love your little sequin dress, what a cool piece! :)

  8. Do I feel 22? I actually feel like I am..... Well, maybe I actually do feel 22, lol. I am not though. I am far older than that - ha! Not to sound like a dinosaur or anything.

  9. Loved the unicorn cake. Good luck with the world at your feet and the beginning of your journey......Live it to the fullest....

  10. I love the theme and you look so cute. Hoping you had best on your birthday.

  11. Happy belated birthday! looks like you had a great evening! and the cake!! xx corinne

  12. Happy Birthday! seems like you had a great time! Love your birthday dress. Very nice and glittery dress.

  13. Happy Birthday! Your party looks awesome! That dress is definitely OOTD!

  14. Happy belated birthday! This looks like it was an amazing party. I love your dress and that cake!

  15. Happy Birthday! I definitely love the vases and unicorn cake. Live it up in Vegas enough for me!

  16. Happy Belated Birthday! Wow your birthday looked fun! That's nice that your friend threw a pool party!

  17. Happy Birthday Lauren! Your special celebration looked like it was filled with the people you love, a gorgeous cake and some of your favorite things. Thanks for sharing the fun with us here on your blog. :-)

  18. That is an awesome, fun cake. Happy 22 to you!

  19. That cake is so fun! I bet it was delicious!

  20. The dress looks cute on you, and with the photos i see here no doubt you did enjoy yourself..<>

  21. What a great way to celebrate. I love that dress!

  22. That's a lovely party and a lovely celebration, love your outfit too!!

  23. This looks like it was such a fun time! Your outfit looks so awesome as well.

  24. Happy 22nd birthday!!Awesome decoration..specially I liked the balloon hanging concept..

  25. This is so cool and fun loving !! love your shimmery cloths and a Unicorn Cake !

  26. That's the spirit! It is our choice to live on what age we want, and its okay.. We can celebrate 22, 2 or more time, and still we are fabulous!

  27. I had never heard of a birthday month until more recently. I would have been lucky if I ever got something that looked like a birthday week. Ah well. Looks like you had an amazing time. :-)

  28. Happy Birthday blessings sent your way! You look fabulous in your dress. Loving the event and photos.

  29. Aww Happy Belated birthday! Looks like you had an amazing day. Just love that unicorn cake.

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