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Monday, January 21, 2019

Inspiring Women Interview Series: We Are Superwomen - Kim Somers Egelsee

Happy Monday! I've been wanting to create an interview series for over a year...I finally decided enough was enough...There is no time like the present. I have so many ideas and ways to go about this series...From the questions, the platforms, the promotion, etc...but a few weeks ago, I realized what is most important is that I just start sharing and the rest will fall into place.

This interview series will feature a diverse group of women: from life coaches to authors to humanitarians to every day people. Each of us has a story and something inspiring to share.

Today's interview is with Kim Somers Egelsee!

Kim is a business and life coach, confidence expert, award winning TEDx speaker and a best selling author of two books and Co-author of twelve!!

Quick Questions/Fast Facts:

Three Words that best describe you?

Enthusiastic, Confident, Intuitive

Favorite accessory

Butterfly necklace

Early bird or night owl?

Mix of both

Current favorite TV show/book

America's Got Talent 
The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn

Next place you’re traveling to

Next, I will be traveling to Cambria, CA for a week! One of my favorite spots!

Song you can't get out of your head?

You Make My Sunshine by Prince

How did you get into your current field?

I first saw Jim Rohn (an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker) in 1992, and after that I was intrigued by personal and success development. I had various careers as an actor, model, TV host and even worked for 11 years in the field of special education with a focus on behaviors. I started doing life coaching and intuitive readings in early 2003 on the side. With a degree in speech communication, and credentials in educational psychology, I started adding in more certifications like NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), hypnotherapy and life coaching, and decided to full force become a coach, speaker and author in early 2010. Since then I have been business and life coaching, doing intuitive readings, speaking, leading masterminds and writing books, and have a life coach certification program. I love helping people step into their confidence, self-love and power.

How do you begin each day? Do you have a routine?

I drink fresh blended celery juice, clean up a bit, have a coffee and read inspiring posts and quotes and answer emails.

When things get stressful or overwhelming how do you ground yourself?

Literally grounding meditation and deep breathing, yoga, green tea and nature.

Is there something you feel we are lacking as a society, that we could use more of?

Peace and love

What does being "healthy" mean to you?

Confidence, inner and outer beauty, self care, exercise and eating balanced and healthy.

What or who are your sources of inspiration?
My family, God, Music, Prince, Florence Scovel Shinn, Oprah, Dr. Wayne Dyer

What is the most rewarding part of what you do?
Uplifting people's lives and helping them step into their power. 

What challenges have you faced in your life, to reach the point you are at today? How have you overcome them?

When I was younger, I experienced some bullying and I had to learn how to be confident. Later, in my very early twenties, I was in a very bad relationship and had to get brave, strong and courageous and get out of it.

What is your idea of self - care?

Yoga, massage, beach walks, mani/pedi, traveling, wine, eating out, concerts, getting facials, reading

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Work on yourself harder than you do on your job” - Jim Rohn

If you were to offer advice to someone who knows they're meant for something greater, but is holding back due to fear, what would you say to them?

Have a strong why, get feedback from others, vision and visualize strong outcomes

I know you had the opportunity to give a TedXYouth talk and I wanted to share that with my readers.

It was an honor to do the talk geared to Tedx Youth, talking about living in your full positive power, and how you too can learn to do so.

Here's an excerpt about Kim's talk:

As we go on living our everyday lives, we may not always feel at our best. In fact, a lot of times, we are weary and so caught up on our tasks and duties that we don't feel as though we can conquer anything. In this empowering talk, best-selling author and motivational speaker Kim Somers Egelsee shares her story on how her positive power, this vibrant energy, was taken away from her growing up and how she came to the realization that the only person that can take it away is herself. Slowly regaining it, Kim shares with us how she lives her life to a 10+ everyday and how we can also enjoy living our lives to the fullest. "Clams, turtles, and snails have shells, humans do not, take yours off and have the nerve to be yourself, and live in your full positive power." -Kim Somers Egelsee

Any exciting projects coming up?

This year I will be working closely with Susie Augustin on a huge book project with workshops, web series and book launch, all related to our Speaking and Writing to Wow brand for confident, successful entrepreneurs. I will also be doing an all day retreat.

Where can my readers connect with you?


Bonus questions: 

If you could spend a day with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Prince - He is one of my biggest inspirations.

What is your superpower?

I am highly intuitive

Thank you Kim, for allowing me to interview you!!
Here is a picture of us from 2017, in Hermosa Beach! We definitely need to take a new picture, in better lighting! lol :P

If you or someone you know would be a great person for me to interview, let me know in the comments, or send me a message!

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com 

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Until next time,
