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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Yom Kippur Resolutions 5785/2024

Today, is Yom Kippur, which is known as the day of atonement. This is considered the holiest day of the year in Judaism. On Yom Kippur, we are forgiven for the ways in which we may have missed the mark and inscribed in the Book of Life; but to be forgiven we spend the days leading up to the holiday, deep in self-reflection. At this time of year, we look inward and also seek to make amends to those we may have hurt. It's a time to press the reset button and start anew; for a new chapter is beginning. I choose to let go of what is no longer serving me, and to set goals for the person I strive to be, in this upcoming year.

As human beings, we tell ourselves stories. We have a psychological need to find meaning in everything around us. The stories we tell ourselves can inspire us to move forward, but they can also cause us to get stuck in the past. It can be easy to lose ourselves in all the stories and lose sight of the present moment. This is a time to ask ourselves, if we let go of all the things that we could have, should have, would have done....if we let go of thinking, if only something happened a different way....we then can focus on who we want to become. There is significance in the dream we have of a better past, but it is our responsibility to take that dream and make it our future reality. 

There is a belief that, thoughts are powerful. We have the power, using our thoughts and words, to create what it is that we desire. Each year, I write down my resolutions and lessons that I have learned. I also have decided to include an action step and start really working on who it is I want to become in this next year. 


Resolutions for the year 5785:

Connect More To My Faith and G-d - I have already begun to do this, by starting weekly learning sessions. I want to learn more about the teachings of the Kabbalah and mysticism. I would like to become closer to my local community. For the past few years I have felt, more so than ever, feeling connected to others and having hope is a necessity for one's wellbeing. 

Read More Books - During my childhood, any free time I had, I was always reading a book. Every year, I write that I want to read more, and I really do have the best intentions. This year, I have decided to take action and encourage myself to read more, by joining a book club! The first official meeting is at the end of this month. The book we will be reading is, Leaving by Roxana Robinson.

Create Blogs/Empowerment Interview Series - Several years ago, I had the idea to create a continuing series, featuring inspirational people. I have selected a list of individuals who I would enjoy interviewing. I look forward to being able to share future interviews on my website. 

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone - Even if I am nervous or uncertain about doing something, I find I am almost always better for having had the experience. I want to continue challenging myself, to engage in new experiences. I recently, found a new group of friends. We all are in the 'same boat'. We seek to meet regularly and share in making new memories with each other.

Surround Myself With People Who Bring Out The Best In Me (and vice versa) -

I want to have people in my life who inspire and challenge me to be my best self. One of my favorite quotes is, "Energy flows where attention goes." The people we surround ourselves with can influence our behaviors and shape our beliefs and thoughts. I notice, at times, I will fall into patterns of gossip, depending on those around me. So, I would like to be more conscious of the energy in my space. I want my relationships with my inner circle to be ones where we nurture each other to grow and hold one another accountable for our actions. On Yom Kippur, I reach out to people who I may have wronged. I am also going to reach out to the positive influences in my life. 

Practicing Self-Care - There are times when I am good about this, and then there are times that I get out of practice...In 2023, I began to prioritize having a daily and nightly skincare routine. In 2024, I made it a point of assuring, I would walk a certain number of steps each day (which in turn meant I was going for walks and enjoying sunshine - all good for my mental health!). Moving forward, I want to reintroduce saying affirmations and the practice of daily gratitude into my routine. 

These are some of the life lessons I have learned in the past year:

"It's not a matter of letting go - you would if you could. Instead of "Let it go," we should probably say "Let it be." - Jon Kabat-Zinn 

While this may seem, like a subtle word change to some, to me it's been a total shift in mindset. Letting go of something can be a process. It may feel kind of harsh if someone tells you to, 'just let it go.' It may feel dismissive and that you just need 'to get over it.' There isn't a magical solution to make our thoughts and feelings disappear. Let it be, feels lighter. An acknowledgement that our feelings are valid. We can observe our thoughts, without the need to change them. Accept them and let them be. 

Earlier this year, I was perturbed by something. I knew what the reality of the situation was, even though it was not being presented that way. I felt angry and upset, and I just couldn't let it go. At night, it would consume my thoughts. I then realized the situation was out of my control, and while I couldn't let go of these feelings I had; I could let them be. I could allow space for the emotions and sit with them for a while. There was nothing I could do to change the situation at that time, but I could give myself the ability to have some peace. I am someone that does not like to dwell on things. I usually allow myself time to feel how I am feeling. Rather than remaining, in that space, for a long period of time, I then choose to shift my focus. When I was unable to do that, I meditated. I realized to just 'let it be' and I am serious, when I say that change of words has made all the difference! 

"You're always one decision away from a totally different life."  - Mel Robbins

This quote reminded me of why it is not only important to create goals and resolutions, but also to include action steps. A goal indicates what it is, I want to achieve, but by going a step further, I am already headed in the direction of making them happen.

It's incredible to think about how a single decision, can drastically change the course of our lives. The realization, that 'we are in the driver's seat' when making decisions, is empowering. Change can be scary, but it is the one constant in our lives. It truly is a blessing to be able to have choices to make. 

"Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering." - Don Miguel Ruiz

This quote is from the book, The Four Agreements. The book is based on teachings from ancient Toltec wisdom. To elaborate on this thought; others' actions have little to do with us. When we get upset about things that were said or done to us personally, they are really a projection and reflection of that person's own reality. Just as our first reaction, is to take something said to us personally; it is a result of our own childhood experiences, stress, life circumstances etc. Everyone is seeing the world through their own unique lens. We start to make the assumption that everything is about us, but we are all secondary characters in everyone else's story. When someone is talking about us, it is the image they have created of us in their story. If we take it personally, we are agreeing to their story becoming a part of our own. At the end of the day, we are only responsible for our actions.

I would like to make amends and ask forgiveness, if I have caused pain or wronged anyone. It is never my intention to do so.

In the coming year, I pray for peace, understanding and lots of love for one another.

G'mar Chatimah Tova! May you be inscribed in the book of life.

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com 

To subscribe to my blog, you can click the subscribe tab at the top of this page, comment, or give it to me personally. I really appreciate it!

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

2023 Holiday Gift Guide

Each holiday season, I do some digging on the internet to find unique gifts for my friends and family. Here are eleven gifts you can order right now!

1. Disco Ball Diffuser $34-$42

I feel like this is something everyone needs...A diffuser that also doubles as a rotating disco ball with 7 different mood light colors!

2. Crunch Cup - Cereal on the Go $20-$30 (Depends on how you purchase...Through amazon or the main website)

I am a big fan of food related gadgets and this CrunchCup is a great gift. No worrying about soggy cereal or rushing to eat your bowl in the morning. You can take this with you on the go and it doesn't require a spoon or a bowl to be laying around your car.  When you go to take a "sip," both the cereal and the milk merge.

I've tried numerous vitamin c products and I always come back to Ole Henricksen. One of the highlights of shopping during the holidays for me is the beauty gift sets.
This Radiance Retreat Skincare Set is valued at $131 and is on sale at Sephora right now for $46.20. 
This set comes with their Banana Bright Vitamin C Serum, Strength Trainer Peptide Moisturizer, and Banana Bright Eye Cream.


This printer uses Bluetooth and thermal inkless technology. I can't wait to get this one. It can connect to an app where you can print labels and stickers.

This is a pretty cool gift for any music lover!

This serves a dual purpose; clean your toothbrush and store it from new bacterial growth. It fits most toothbrushes and can be adjusted to fit larger toothbrushes. 

7. Personalized Pillow $16.99-$53.99 (Depending on size)

If you want to get a gift for someone that has everything or whose pet is their child, you can get them a personalized photo pillow. It comes pre-stuffed. Look at the Amazon reviews for examples of the best kind of pictures to use.

Legos aren't just for children. There are so many options to choose from. There's 608 pieces; It would make a fun, weekend project! You can find a Lego set for anyone. From, a NASCAR car to a Friends Central Perk scene.

This wireless charging station comes in a variety of colors and charges an iPhone, Apple Watch and Airpods. 

10. Cozy Loungewear Set $33.98

You can never go wrong with a cozy loungewear set. The reviews mention that this set is super soft, and people want to live in it. It comes in seven different colors.

11. Total Body Vibration Plate ($79.99-$149.99)

If you've never used one of these, you need to start. This is a game changer! I became familiar with these devices about 10 or so years ago. You can sit or stand on this vibration plate. Some gyms or chiropractors utilize this. I use it for lymphatic and oxygen circulation. It also helps burn fat and after a workout, this machine can help by reducing muscle soreness. Some say that it aids in weight loss, as the vibrations cause your muscles to contract and relax many times per second, which makes you feel as if you are exerting yourself and went through a workout.

I love trying new snacks. 

I saw Pulp Pantry on Shark Tank. They have made a healthy chip out of fresh vegetable pulp. They are made using organic, fresh veggies and chia seeds. Gluten free, plant based, full of fiber and each serving is around 150 calories. The link above is to the brand's website, but you can also find them on Thrive Market.

I first discovered these chicken protein chips in 2019, when I worked for a Kiss My Keto as an ambassador at the Paleo FX event in Austin, Texas. This was my favorite snack find there. I still enjoy eating these chips to this day. Their chips are made from chicken breast, egg whites and bone broth. The only comparable protein chips I've found, use milk protein powder or chicken skin and. These are hands down, my go to snack.

What's on your wishlist this holiday season? Let me know in the comments!

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com

To subscribe to my blog, you can click the subscribe tab at the top of this page, comment, or give it to me personally. I really appreciate it!

Until next time,




Monday, September 25, 2023

Yom Kippur 5784/2023

Today is Yom Kippur, my favorite holiday, which is known as the day of atonement. I like to look at today as not only a time to make amends to those we may have hurt, but to also look inward and begin a new chapter with ourselves. I choose to let go of what is no longer serving me, set goals for the person I strive to be in this upcoming new year and to begin to create new neural pathways (new patterns).

As it has become a tradition…here are some life lessons from the past year.

“Life is happening now. Enjoy the present.”

If there’s one thing we can count on, it’s change. A motto of mine since I was barely a teenager, is that the one constant in life is change. So many of us, are waiting…to go to the beach when we lose ten more pounds. Waiting to travel until we are done with college or until the kids are grown. Waiting for life to happen.

The right and perfect moment may never come.

Often, we are not present in our daily lives, because we are worrying about our future or preoccupied with thoughts of our past.

It’s time to follow our heart, chase our goals, and make the best of what we have. Get rid of ‘what isn’t’ and move towards ‘what can be’.  And remember that happiness is made up of a collection of small moments.

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”

We have a choice in how we respond in any situation.  We can’t control the words that come out of another person’s mouth, but we can control our reaction. There’s that survival instinct, that when our brains sense danger, get triggered, and we automatically go into fight or flight mode. But we can choose to respond instead of react. Think before we act. A quote by Viktor E. Frankl, that is fitting for this life lesson is: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

“There is no glory in a grind that literally grinds you down to dust.”

Our society pushes a fast pace life. It can overstimulate and exhaust us. When we complete one task, there’s another one to begin. As we race against the clock, we reach our destination quicker, but lose the experience of the journey itself.  We praise people who keep pushing and pushing themselves, even when it can be to their own detriment. The hardest thing about prioritizing self care, is not feeling guilty about it. It’s ok to slow down….to set boundaries with others, but also with ourselves.

Here are my goals for the year 5784:

Make time for self-care

Learn something new as often as possible

Work towards moving 10,000 steps a day

Try and read ten books this year

Connect more to my faith and G-d

In the coming year, I strive to be the best I can be, love myself unconditionally, and always count my blessings.

I pray for peace, understanding and lots of love for one another, as we move forward…

Gmar Chatimah Tova! May you be inscribed in the book of life!

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com

To subscribe to my blog, you can click the subscribe tab at the top of this page, comment, or give it to me personally. I really appreciate it!

Until next time,




Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Yom Kippur Resolutions 5783/2022

It’s officially Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It’s a day of cleansing and renewal. As we make amends to those we may have hurt, we also look to the lessons we have learned in the past year. 

Here are some of the lessons I have learned:

“Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Talk about your joys.” - Rita Schiano

It’s great to have a best friend and confidant to talk to. It’s important to not hold everything in and to have an outlet. We need validation as human beings and there’s nothing wrong with that.  But sometimes, we talk about our problems and vent to a point where they take more power over us than we realize. There has to be a healthy balance.  

I don’t like to dwell on situations. I give myself time to feel how I’m feeling, and sometimes I’ll talk with a friend or journal, and I find that very therapeutic. I then find that it’s good to delve into a hobby and to shift my focus.

“The deepest well can also be drained.” - Swedish Proverbs

The more you take care of yourself, the better you take care of others. 

It’s imperative to fill your own cup. We must replenish and make ourselves a priority. 

I know that I’m a natural born nurturer. I love to be of service to others but need to work towards better self-care for myself. Little things such as, listening to music, drinking my daily bone broth, spending time in the sun etc. 

“You cannot control how people respond to your energy. At the end of the day, we are not people's ideas of us. That is a perception. How people react to you is a projection. Protect your energy.” - TheZenFashionista

How others react to us, is often not about us at all. People see one another through a filtered lens; through their own individual experiences and perspectives. While we have no control over that, we do have control over our own feelings and reactions. 

In situations where I sense myself starting to respond to negativity, I take a step back and center myself. I remember this reflection does not have to do with me and take a deep breath. 

As usual, I’ve written a list of my resolutions, but I’ve also written a gratitude list. 

I am grateful for…

  • My love of learning

  • The abundance of sweet friends and loved ones in my life

  • The leaves changing colors in the fall

  • The power of music and its ability to transcend time

  • Making fresh, nourishing juice 

  • Walks in nature 

  • A good night’s sleep

  • Being able to say no

  • Shopping on Amazon 

  • Clean water 

My resolutions:


I was the child who always had her nose in a book. I would easily read 200 pages a day. Reading expands your vocabulary, improves memory, reduces stress and best of all can transport you to another world. I really want to make it my goal to read 12 books in the next year.  Recommendations welcome!

Write/Blog on a more frequent basis -

As I’m writing this post, I feel inspired to make more of an effort to connect on here. I have a lot of content I’d like to share on TheZenFashionista. 

Stick to a regular self-care routine -

I want to create a more intentional daily self-care routine. I can get into a good rhythm of cleansing my skin, flossing my teeth, taking my vitamins etc., but sometimes I will have an off day and it seems to throw me off track. I need to remind myself that there may be a lapse in my routine and that it is ok. I can always adjust and begin again tomorrow. 

Connect more to G-d and my faith and my spirituality-

With the hustle and bustle of our daily life, we can easily feel off balance and disconnected. I tend to ground myself through a number of different ways; tuning into a religious service, which I can stream from my couch, meditation with high frequency sounds, cleansing my space with sage crystals, listening to spiritual/religious music, etc.

There are 108 days left of 2022...What is something you hope to accomplish?

In this coming year I strive to love and honor myself and remain grateful and count my blessings. 

pray for peace, understanding and lots of love for one another, as we move forward...

Gmar Chatimah Tova! May you be inscribed in the book of life. 

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com 

To subscribe to my blog, you can click the subscribe tab at the top of this page, comment, or give it to me personally. I really appreciate it!

Until next time,