Today, is Yom Kippur, which is known as the day of atonement. It's a time to look back on our year. I love this holiday because I see it as a spiritual cleansing of sorts. It's not only a time to say we are sorry and vow to change, but it's a time to be more mindful. To create new patterns. To evaluate our last year and start to determine how the next one might look. I choose today to let go of what is no longer serving me, make amends with those I may have wronged and to set goals for the person I'd like to be in the upcoming year.
Here are some of my resolutions for the year 5778...
- Drink more water
- Inspire people
- Journal and write more
- Listen to my intuition - Instead of second guessing myself, I should listen to my gut instinct
- Continue to weed out negativity and toxicity in my life
- Become more involved in both the Jewish and spiritual communities around me
- Continue to step out of my comfort zone. If I'm fearful or nervous about an experience, do it anyway!
- Speak my truth
In the coming year, I strive to love and honor myself, let my inner goddess flow, and remain grateful and count my blessings.
I pray for peace and compassion as we move forward....
Gmar Chatimah Tova! May you be inscribed in the book of life.
We have 93 days until 2018 - What is something you'd like to accomplish before the year is over?
As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below or feel free to email me at TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com
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Until next time,